想生或再生一個兔女兔子的話, 今天起可以把握機會, 算準日子, 讓你的小孩有個最Cool的出生日期: 11-11-11. 錯過今年, 明年的12-12-12也不錯, 只是不知道2012會不會是世界末日罷了..
Want your baby born on 11-11-11? Now is the time to conceive!
"Your future child could have the coolest birthday ever - if you and your partner get to work now. According to fertility expert Dr. Jamie Grifo, prospective parents should start playing some Barry White for the next two weeks if they want a baby born on November 11. Said kid would have a birth date of 11/11/11, and the next shot of that birthday would be in 2111."