想到加拿大溫哥華又喜歡吃垃圾食物的人(臭妙..)要注意啦! 當地相關發言人說, 街道攤販既然是利用公共的地點及設施, 就必需以考量大眾的健康為出發點, 以賣健康食品為主. 而店面餐廳要如何烹煮販賣餐點, 則是他們的自由, 政府無權過問.
"If somebody wants to sell a deep-fried Mars bar or whatever, that's their prerogative. But when you are using public streets or public space or land to sell food on, I think you should be using it to promote the goals of the public body and one of our goals is around nutritional outcome."