當你挽起衣袖捐血救人之際, 無形中你也救了你自己. 古早時代老人家一直不讚同我們去捐血, 說血要花很常時間及吃很多營養食物才能補回來, 當然我們是都聽進去了(我二哥都是偷偷去捐). 隨著 "捐血一袋, 救人一命" 的洗腦廣告, 各種捐血贈品的鼓勵, 及免費基本血液檢驗, 越來越多人已逐漸拋開根深的自血自用觀念, 紛紛響應捐血的邀約.
有許多人不瞭解, 捐血是免費的愛心舉動, 但為什麼病人開刀輸血卻要收取費用? 其實病人繳交的輸血費用是給支付血庫中心或醫院所提供的檢驗, 保存, 篩檢, 及血液冷藏設備的費用. 若沒有那些善心的捐血人, 輸血病人的醫療帳會更高的, 難怪古早年代都有 "賣血" 的感人故事.
再說到捐血的贈品. 普遍而言, 決大多數去捐血的人應該不會是為了贈送品的關係, 但不可否認地, 贈送品卻是一種吸引捐血的配角. 巧思的贈品可以讓捐血人的週遭朋友知道你的善舉, 甚至感染這股拋熱血的意念喔~ 不知道是捐血中心與獅子會捐血車不同, 還是捐血區域不同的關係, 之前我都在鶯歌獅子會捐血車上捐血, 每次都抱回滿滿的感恩贈品, 而且捐血檢驗報告都有膽固醇與尿酸檢驗. 這次到桃園捐血中心除了贈品不實用外 (二支普通的原子筆), 連膽固醇與尿酸檢驗項目都沒有. 平平都是捐血, 下次我肯定不會再到捐血中心去捐血了.
捐血除了可以急救他人之外, 它還能定期地為你的健康把關, 這應該算是一種對慷慨捐血人的回報吧! 捐血的好處基本上大家都略聞一二, 在這裡我就來介紹一下捐血益處的實際研究報告.
免費為你做健康檢查 :
這項算是捐血人必須做的捐血事前檢查項目, 如血壓量測與血紅素質檢測. 若捐血成功後, 還會有膽固醇, 尿酸, 與一些潛在性傳染病源 (血清, 肝炎, 淋巴球) 的檢驗. 在你被通知 "下次可捐血日為...", 就表示你是一位有愛心的健康人.
Recent researches have proved that not only is giving blood good for the patients in need, but it's good for your own body as well. In addition to enjoying free juice and snacks after donating, there are physical benefits to being a regular donor. If you donate blood several times a year, you are likely in better physical shape than those who do not, and you have a reduced risk for several severe diseases.
降低血液內鐵質量 :
人體需要適當的鐵質, 以免血紅素偏低而成貧血. 但吸收過多的鐵質也會造成另一種疾病 -
鐵質沉積症. 鐵質一但囤積過多, 會在體內加速膽固醇的氧化過程, 進而破壞血管皮層, 導至心血管疾病. 醫學更常報導, 最有效且快速地降低血液中過多或沉積的鐵質量就是定期捐血.
Giving blood leads to lowering the iron levels in the donor's body, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. According to CNN (CNN Edition), high blood iron levels have the potential to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease because iron accelerates the oxidation process of cholesterol in the body, which damages arteries. Iron levels aren't the only factor that plays a role in a person's risk of heart disease, but there are certainly no downsides to lowering blood iron levels by donating blood regularly.
降低癌症風險 :
研究報告追蹤了四年半內的二組人員共1,200位, 一組人員定期每年捐血二次, 另一組都未參與捐血, 結果有定期捐血的人員, 其體內的鐵質量明顯地比未定期捐血的人還低, 相對地降低各種不正常的癌症機率, 如肝, 肺, 大腸, 胃, 及咽喉疾病.
Homogeneous blood donation is correlated with lower risks of cancers According to the Miller-Keystone Blood Center, including liver, lung, colon, stomach and throat cancers. Risk levels dropped is related to the frequency of blood donation. Researchers followed 1,200 people split into groups of two over the course of 4 ½ years. One group reduced their iron stores by blood donations twice a year whereas the other group did not make any changes. The results of the study showed that the group of blood donors had lower iron levels, and a lower risk of cancer and mortality.
降低中風與心臟病風險 :
許多國家研究都有報導指出, 連續多年定期捐血的人, 平均有88%心臟病降低率及33%中風降低率.
Donating blood improves cardiovascular health. According to Florida Blood Services blood donors who donate regularly over years have an 88 percent lower risk of heart attacks and a 33 percent lower risk of any severe cardiovascular event, such as a stroke. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers found that participants ages 43-61 had fewer heart attacks and strokes when they donated blood every six months. In a study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers found in a sample size of 2,682 men in Finland, those who donated blood a minimum of once a year had an 88 percent lower risk of heart attacks than those who did not donate.
再造新血液 :
捐出去的血不用等一年或是十全進補才可以補回來, 只要24~48小時我們的身體就會再造回來了. 而血細胞 (紅血球, 白血球, 血小板) 則要4~8星期就可重新添回. 從出生到成年, 血液只生不出, 長年累積循環在體內運轉, 可以想像血液是多麼的濃厚, 加上排不出的血脂肪, 及沉積的鐵質, 在在都會破壞血管壁膜, 各種疾病就相繼而來.
Says the Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide. How thick and sticky your blood is and how much friction your blood creates through the blood vessels can determine how much damage is done to the cells lining your arteries. Blood donation will allow the replenishment of the donor's blood supply which will help his body to function more efficiently. After donating, the human body replaces the blood volume within 48 hours of donation, and all of the red blood cells lost during donation are completely replaced within four to eight weeks. This process of replenishment can help your body stay healthy and work more efficiently and productively.